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Grace Impact Choir (Koriyama)
I'm going to quickly run out of adjectives Beloved in assessing the workshop groups but this one is easy cause these folks love to sing...

Sano Rainbow Church
Where do I start? This was a new area and group for HGF. Also my first time in this city. Seems to be Countryside, away from the big city...

Angelic Shout/Yamaguchi
All I can say is it sounded like more than just Angels shouting. My Lawd! Those are some sanging folks! Everything I threw at them they...

Gospel GloryChoir/Minami Shimabara (Nagasaki)
After Shinkansen, long scenic drive through beautiful countryside and lush green hills and then BAM! Glorious Gospel singing and praise...

Gym Dandy!
0K Beloved, lunch for today was going to be a bowl of cereal but after the encounter I just had at the gym I needed to sit down and...

Aoyama Gakuin University Gospel Choir
Monday was a relax day until later on that evening. Time to hit the road for Shibuya so I can go to the Aoyoma Gakuin University. The...

Glory Hill-Kure
There was indeed a whole lot of glory, praise, joy, dancing, shouting and compassion on that hill. My Lawd! I got off the plane and...

Light House Niihama Gospel Christian Church
The Holy Ghost praise party continued on from Kure to Niihama. I love this group! They have fun, small in number but big in anointing and...
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